Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kick-starting a Business

In the second lecture of IT Entrepreneurship, Mrs. Rafidah explained about methods of generating new ideas. In depth, she showed us a video about Guy Kawasaki that mainly discusses about making a product that is beneficial to the consumers. With that in mind, creating a revolutionary product is actually creating a product that sells.

We were asked to form a group of 10 and our group is called the International Youth Company. A project that involves entrepreneurship will be assigned to each and every group. With no experience whatsoever in entrepreneurship, we were asked to start a business that will be conducted in the campus. I am really looking forward to this project and accepting it as an exciting challenge. In fact, I have some ideas already about kick-starting the business and would love to share it with my group members.

After that, she gave us a lecture on how to start a business and the importance of teamwork. These are some of the key elements in a company that will ensure stability and efficiency. With this in mind, we hope to make our project a success!

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