Saturday, August 8, 2009

Opportunity Analysis and E-Commerce as Globalizing Catalyst

In week 5, Pn Rafidah gave us a lecture on opportunity analysis plan where she discussed that it is mainly focused on the idea of the business and its marketing idea. She gave an example of a successful franchise, Secret Recipe, which is successful because they have a thorough analysis plan.

She also discussed about e-commerce and how it could benefit businesses. Taking Yemen as an example, they are known as a producer of honey, and integrating their business with e-commerce, they would be able to reach out their products to various parts of the world. Hence, e-commerce plays a huge role in globalizing the product to reach to different types of target markets. Another example would be online-based dedication e-commerce website that provides convenience, affordable and quick.

Next was, oral presentation skills. She gave us a walk through on the importance of presentation skills in this course especially whether as a student or an entrepreneur. This is crucial mainly because this course requires a lot of project presentations to be conducted. Students sometimes fear while doing presentation which is why preparation and practice is really essential to improve presentation skills. Using scripts as an aid to practice or cue cards are some of the good practices before a presentation. On top of that, spoken words also have to loud and clear while remaining eye-contact with the audience.

Based on the lectures, I have learned that opportunity analysis plan is important to sustain as well as succeeding in a business venture. Whereas e-commerce is one of the ideas that brings a wider range of opportunities to an existing business. I have achieved to understand the part & parcel of business start-ups and operations and my only concern is to apply this principle for future entrepreneurship projects. I have gained the general idea of what makes a presentation good and how to be able to present something in the right manner. My greatest concern is the risk of venturing into e-commerce,a business with great oppurtunity with well structured analysis plan, because it seems challenging and requires a lot of brainstorming and considerations. Also, in the oral presentation, to not performed well in front of many people.

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