Saturday, September 5, 2009

Business Model

On Monday, we had a day off as its the National Day. Merdeka! This week Pn Rafidah discussed about business model after the second presentation on weekly activity progress. Business model usually include all activities that define how a firm competes in the marketplace. She took Dell as an example as the company succeed by starting off their business in a different way. Using online applications, users can choose specifications. Everything is done without even physically seeing the product. She also said that every business start-up should have mission and scope.

Meanwhile, my group and I are also distributing the Mid-Autumn Festival dedication as part of our business activity. Besides going room to room to promote our dedications, we also ask everyone around us. Everything becomes easier when each one of us do our part. We planned to deliver the products on the week after the Raya holidays.

I come to a conclusion that starting up a business is not as easy as what I initially thought it would be. Providing good services and support will sustain a business and gain customer loyalty. My only concern is that prodcuts cannnot be delivered on time as there is not much time left after the holidays.

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