Saturday, September 19, 2009


It's week 10. All of us were surprised when we first entered our class as we saw a man lecturer stood before us. We thought we have entered a wrong class. Later we got to know that he is Prof Madya Azizi Bin Zakaria and he replaced Pn Rafidah for that day. His purpose was to inform us about the MSC Malaysia-IHL Business Plan Competition (MIBPC) and at the same time, to encourage us to participate. MIBPC is held with the collaboration between Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) & Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) in Malaysia with the mission to build an ecosystem for the growth of a critical mass of sustainable K-based ICT companies that will contribute to high economic growth. To make the session more interesting, he also showed us some pictures of the events that were taken in the previous years.

It is now the week where we closed our dedication orders for the Mid-Autumn Festival. This will enable us to do the final calculations on how much products we should be buying because the purchasing task will be carried out during the Raya break. After the finalization, we did not anticipate by the amount of dedications we get as it exceeded our expectation.

From the talk, I have learned that sharing business ideas and form teams that leverage on both technology & business competencies are important steps to produce good business plan. MIBPC gives us an oppurtunity to provide exposure and knowledge of key competencies required in becoming a successful technopreneur. I have also learned to always accept new things in life and always be prepared for unexpected situations.

Because the Mid-Autumn festival is approaching right after the Raya break, we will then have only a few days to pack all the dedications before delivering them. My concern is the shortage of time we will face as our workload for packaging and delivery increased consequently after the unexpected orders. I am afraid that I won't have the time to participate in the MIBPC competition though it seems interesting but I guess I will attend the next workshop and see how it goes.

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